Alpine climbing and multi-lane routes in Europe
Alpine climbing Dachsteinmassiv
The Dachstein Massif is ideal for a rock-based course.
The short hikes from the hut’s base (Adamek or Simony hut) to the inlet and best limestone cliffs and good hedging possibilities offer optimal conditions for a primary school in the alpine rocky terrain. Since HeliPutz has grown up almost on the Simony Hut, he has also begun and arranged countless tours and practice places. He knows the terrain around the Hallstatt Glacier very well. For this reason, Servus TV has also produced a roof-top film with him.
Content (2 – 4 days in the Dachsteinmassiv)
Multi-pitch routes
Short walks and lots of fun!
In the past 20 years, alpine sport climbing routes in particular have prevailed. No “heroic suicide tours” but sporty, well-secured multi-cable routes in the best rock quality. These routes can be found in France, Italy or especially in the area of Gosaukamm and Dachstein. The very best training area, however, is around Bad Goisern. Here, HeliPutz has started over 100 routes and set up for the trainers purpose. All are easy to reach with very short trips. Mostly exposed to the south, 3-5 lines long and have a season from March to November.